38 AMASES Meeting - Second Call

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Registration for the 38th National Meeting of Association for Mathematics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences is officially open. The Meeting which will be held in the premises of University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria, from the 4th to 6th September 2014, in the presence of eminent international academicians like Radko Mesiar, Aldo Montesano, Frank Riedel and Bruno Viscolani who have been invited as speakers.
The registration form is available on the 38th AMASES Meeting website: http://www.amases2014.unirc.it/ where participants can find all key informations about the event, such as: Extended Abstracts submission, the best way to reach the venue, accommodation discounts, and useful tips to enjoy the city.
Organizing Committee would like to inform AMASES - AIRO - SIMAI members that there are different participation fees and reduced rates for registrations and payments made before May 31st , 2014.
An high influx of tourists is expected in town during the month of September and the Organizing Committee invites participants to make the reservation of accommodation before June 15th. The city offers a wide choice of accommodation in the city center offering that ranges from luxury hotels to bed and breakfast, and in the website of the conference there are special discount for the participants of the AMASES meeting.

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